Monday, April 14, 2008

Close Up

Any guesses on what this is???

It's not a Beluga whale sticking its tongue out. But it is just as fascinating. This came after the spilled milk on the counter from which I gracefully rescued the library book from its sure demise and the spilled apple juice on the floor that my shoes are still sticking to no matter how many times I've cleaned it up, but before I discovered the empty (gallon-sized) jug of distilled water in the pantry. I was tipped off by the purple lid mysteriously lying on the kitchen floor. JD says he drank it (yuck!) and I don't see a drop of water anywhere and his clothes are dry. When I asked him where the rest of it went (granted, it was not a full jug), he just stuck his finger down his throat. So I'm apt to believe him. Ignorance is bliss. Perhaps a foreshadowing of his teenage years when I will find jugs of milk emptied without the use of a glass and returned to the fridge.
And that's just today...

Okay, somebody's got to ask what that's a picture of! Or at least make a good guess!


hippychick said...

a knife sharpener jammed in a car door

Jennifer said...

Oh. So close. But nope.

Kelley said...

That appears to be something stuck in a computer CD drive.

Jennifer said...

Ooh, on the right track! Now what could that be stuck in a computer CD drive??

Anonymous said...

It is definitely not a CD. Is it a playdoh knife?

Jennifer said...

And Lisa B. is the winner! You have just won the confiscated playdough knife and a fully-fessed up two year old. You can pick up your prize at 6 am tomorrow. :0)
I'd give you the computer but it actually still works...I think.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Ours is green...the brown color almost threw me off =)