Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Financial Peace University

First class was tonight. I have high hopes. This is like our budget on Weight Watchers.

Friday, May 9, 2008

The State of Undone

Undone. That's all there is around me.
Laundry to fold - the size of Mt. Everest.
Laundry to wash - the size of Kilimanjaro.
Toys to be picked up.
Boxes to be unpacked.
Emails to be returned.
Books to return to the library.
Books to be picked up at the library.
Dishes to be washed.
Dishes to be put away.
Papers to be filed.
Papers to be shredded.
Papers to be dealt with.
Closets to be organized - even just minimally.
Pictures to hang.
Pictures to upload.
Mission trip to plan.
Dr. to find.
Stuff to be given away.
Stuff to sort.
Rooms to paint.
Furniture to arrange.
Furniture to be bought.
Budget to be wrangled.
Yet another Wal-Mart trip because I forgot three things.

So, maybe in another 6 months of being in this house I'll be able to move to the State of Satisfaction, even though I should already be there. Some trips just have more pit stops than others.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008