Friday, October 3, 2008

Carpe Diem

When I get a chance I'm gonna blog about these things:
  • homeschooling, Singapore, and PTA (and yes, they all relate)
  • status quo, status symbols and status updates
  • hunger (world and otherwise)

But for now, I gotta share my evening. Chris is working late so it's just the kids and me. They played outside til after dark and once I had everybody rounded up and in the house, they reminded me that I had said we would bake cookies. It was already 8:00 and I really just wanted to get them in bed so I could clean up and play the piano. But something in me knew that this was a carpe diem moment.

Now, we've baked cookies together a gazillion times, but this was just special. I miss my kids terribly now that I'm not homeschooling and our time together always seems so rushed. They're less satisfied hanging out as a family now. That really bothers me, but I'll save that for the homeschooling blog. So tonight this cookie baking thing opened my eyes a bit.

Usually I'm the one directing the measuring, pouring, mixing. But not tonight. Tonight I sat on the opposite side of the counter and just watched all four of them take turns, share, encourage, and create together. Made my mommy heart swell. We ate dough. Tasted butter. Laughed. Licked sugar right off the counter (well, I didn't).

My take-away from this is that I passed the baton tonight. I've instructed, guided and modeled cookie baking and now they donned their aprons and tackled the process themselves. While I love cooking with my kids, I'm usually less than patient. It's just plain stressful for me to watch the mess exponentially increase by the minute. But they've still learned from me. I think God was just giving me a glimpse of what I'm passing on to my children. Oh, that they will learn to pray and rely on Him, that they have seen beyond my impatience and fastidiousness. I pray they have seen something in me that they can grab hold of and know that our God is magnificently loving, even if I am not. Oh, that I will one day see the baton of faith richly passed to each one.

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