Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Veinte Preguntas*

1. How safe is it to use a shower that is heated by an exposed electrical current that has earned the nickname “widow-maker?”

2. Is it really odd that I like to sing Good Morning songs before I’ve had coffee?

3. Will Gigante the Gecko visit us again tonight?

4. How many drunk guys with machetes does it take to freak Brenda out?

5. When Emilee talks in her sleep, do I talk back to her in my sleep?

6. How can such simple ingredients make such delicious food?

7. How many Guatemalans can you fit in the back of a pickup?

8. Even though it was kinda weird and strangely liberating and I’m filled with expectation, will God really answer the prayer that Keith prayed over me to learn Spanish easily?

9. Would I really sell everything I have if God told me to, or is that merely a nice thought because I don’t think He’ll ever ask that of me (and if He did, my husband would flip out anyway)?

10. Do I have enough faith to believe that God will answer the prayer that I prayed over a desperate mother for health and protection for her family and for their physical needs to be met?

11. What can we do that will truly benefit the people we are here to serve and can it really make an impact and improve their quality of life?

12. What is my responsibility in all this?

13. Is this really about changing the situation for the poor, or should it be about changing the attitude of the rich?

14. Is it okay to serve people with the expectation that I will benefit even though I know that’s not the right attitude?

15. “Can an accident of latitude and longitude really be the difference between life and death?” – Bono

16. Why does God allow people to live in these conditions and allow us to live in our conditions?

17. What is God trying to teach me this week?

18. How unnerving is it to have a police escort through Guatemala City?

19. What would God’s perfect will look like on this Guatemalan hillside?

20. Since every person (pastors, Sarita, and several precious children) who has prayed for us has asked God to meet our needs, I'm struck with the question: What are my needs?

*Twenty Questions


Jaime Sue said...

Maybe, right now, your needs are to know the answers to these questions....

Brooks said...

Love the 20 questions.
And the answer to #2 is yes.

Many Blessings and safe travels~