Saturday, March 7, 2009

God Is Not My Girlfriend

Majesty. Glory. Words that really aren't used outside of religious circles except to talk about the Queen of England, purple mountains or sing Bruce Springsteen lyrics. And Christians use them in such nonchalant ways that they have not only lost their meaning, but they make those outside the Christian bubble think, "There they go again with their Christianese."

Unfortunately, the words have lost their luster for me, too. I don't necessarily use them that often, but I sing them in every other song that runs through my head. I think I know the crux of the problem.

I have forgotten that God is really big. Not the Veggie Tales version of God is Bigger than the Boogie Man. I mean really, really BIG. Have you seen Planet Earth??? The ecosystems in this world are magnificently complex. Absolutely incredible. As phenomenal as our earth is, it's just earth. It's just one little speck in this massive universe.

Consider that in our little corner of the galaxy there are an estimated 100,000 sun-like stars, each with the potential of having an earth-size planet. But in the whole Milky Way galaxy? Try 100 billion stars. One Hundred Billion. In one medium sized galaxy. Psalm 33:6 says that God is a star-breather. Just whoosh...have a galaxy. (And scientists at NASA are surprised by how one of the galaxies that "should" be a baby is way older. Hmm, maybe God breathed right there in that out-of-place spot in the universe.) And we can't even estimate how many galaxies there are. As much as I love to read about new discoveries and think it's amazing what science is revealing, we just can't possibly know, much less understand, the complexities of this universe. And I wouldn't put it past God that this is just one universe of many.

And yet He knows my name. There are nearly 7 billion of us right now. And He knows each of our names. That just blows me away. What a majestic, glorious God!

Truly majestic. Astoundingly glorious. Meticulously personal.

Somehow I've dumbed Him down to being my bestie. My bff. My chum. My let's-do-lunch-and-hang-out-a-while girlfriend. There is a delicate balance in understanding His holiness, majesty and glory and having an intimate, real friendship with Him. And right now I need to recognize that God is not my girlfriend.

Note 1: You thought this was gonna be racy, didn't ya?
Note 2: I only used NASA research here because even though History Channel has a great series on the Universe, couldn't find any verification of the numbers they were throwing out - 6 billion solar systems in 125 billion galaxies. Appears History Channel has more info than NASA. Makes me question the validity of the series.
Note 3: Oh, and I'm still considering whether or not I think Jesus is my boyfriend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad God isn't your bff, because I thought I was. So I'd be a bit miffed if I had been replaced! Ha! As always, you are right on target, my brilliant friend! Love ya!