Saturday, August 16, 2008

In Memory of Amanda

Amanda Willard. What a dry sense of humor. And boy, could she keep my kids in line! She babysat for our couples' group. She held each of my kids in the nursery at Morning Star Church at some point or another. She babysat a few times at our home even. It's no wonder she wanted to be a teacher.

Today is her 20th birthday. She shares it with my son, Matthew. It's going to be hard to celebrate his 6th birthday, because Amanda lost control of her Jeep Friday afternoon on her way home from college.

Lost control.

That's what has me so shook up, I guess. My biggest fear is that I'll lose control. Ha. I don't even have control in the first place. It's just the randomness of things like this that remind me that I don't have control. I guess it's random. Is it? Does my God of order and sovereignty allow randomness? He is sovereign. And He is just. And He is merciful. It's just this ache I feel is churning in me. Even though I have a great hope in the joy of eternal life, this just hurts.

So please say a prayer for Amanda's parents, Ken and Mary. Saturday will be excruciating. She's their only child. She was coming home for her birthday.

Amanda Willard

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