Tuesday, February 10, 2009


You know how you sometimes wish you could really savor the truly priceless things in life? And by priceless I mean they don't cost a penny! Since we've been doing Financial Peace University (and so glad we did it before the economy really went bust) we've been using only cash for everything other than church and bills. Unfortunately, I have five lonely dollars left until Friday.

So, what to do about my birthday today? I had thought about a pampering day - manicure, pedicure, lunch out - but woke up chanting my debit card mantra: Swiper, NO SWIPING! And honestly, I feel way too guilty about spending money frivolously, especially on myself.

I got up mostly on time and saw the full moon in the west and the beginnings of sunrise in the east. My wonderful husband wished me a happy birthday and left several wrapped presents for me to open with the kiddos before he hopped a plane to DC for business meetings this week. The kids got ready without too much hassle (the bakery cinnamon rolls I bought on the day-old rack for 80 cents was a great incentive) and the kitchen was clean when we left the house. Priceless.

A friend offered to watch Matthew and Jacob for me this afternoon and they have a blast playing with her kids. I had to completely convince myself that it was really okay to use my free combo meal coupon from Taco Bell on my birthday. I did. Fresco style. It was good. And priceless.

My childhood memories of my birthday are snow days, cold, dreary, find something to do inside days. Not that I didn't enjoy my birthdays - my mom always had some fun project or surprise for me - but today's weather was incredible. Can't remember a birthday with 75 degree sunshiney bliss. So I headed to a wooded park near my home and took a walk, hiked a trail, watched some folks play frisbee golf (okay, that's just a really interesting sport) and made my own trail up a hill that didn't look like it would make my thighs fall off as I stood at the bottom optimistically. I watched a cardinal, woodpecker and two little finches hop from tree to tree. I even got really adventurous and climbed out on a huge tree that was growing over an embankment near a winding creek. Priceless.

Unfortunately, my end goal was to sit out on this beautiful tree and enjoy my surroundings. It should have been how I was going to get back to solid ground. I was up a little higher than I anticipated (not sure the pic does it justice) and once I realized it might be a little difficult to climb down, it was hard to concentrate on what I was supposed to be enjoying. Still, priceless.

I picked the kids up from my friend's and got the older ones from school. Lots of happy birthdays from them and their friends. Once we were home, Emilee and her friend made me a birthday cake - heart shaped strawberry. While it cooled we rode bikes to the park down the street (yep, even me!) where I tried my skills on the monkey bars (failed), pull up bar (failed), twisty slide (moderate success), and crooked tunnel that Jacob looked back at me and said, "C'mon, Mommy. Can you fit?" Army crawl = success! Priceless.

Fixed a quick dinner while the kids decorated the cake. Emilee did "Happy," Matthew did "Birthday," Grant did "Mom" and Jacob, well, he tested the chocolate frosting. Oh, that is most definitely priceless! (And strawberry cake with chocolate frosting doesn't taste a whole lot like chocolate covered strawberries, but it'll eat.)

The kids singing me happy birthday, Jacob belting it out and then helping me blow out the candles: Priceless.

So, pennies saved. Joy multiplied. Mind refreshed. God encountered. Absolutely priceless.

1 comment:

Brooks said...

Jennifer. That whole day sounds priceless. Love from husby, kids, friends, quiet time and little indulging (Taco Bell) and strawberry cake! Sounds like lots to be thankful for!
I didn't even get a card this year. Being frugal is hard. But totally pays off in the long run!
I am glad that you had a wonderful day!

you'll have to check out my ramblings and pics at www.wegrzynfamily.blogspot.com