Here's what I wrote in my scrapbook shortly after Sept. 11, 2001
Tuesday morning, Sept. 11, 2001, I turned on the Today Show on NBC to catch the 8a.m. news. At 8:04 they broke to show a plane that had crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. As I watched, a second plane crashed into Tower Two. Immediately the announcers speculated terrorism. This was no accident. These are the details in the order I remember:
*One of the planes was reportedly hijacked.
*Up to 50,000 people work in the two towers.
*Tower Two tumbles to the ground about 45 minutes after the crash.
*Minutes later Tower One collapses.
*People are frantically running; many had jumped from the buildings.
*A plane crashes into one of the wings of the Pentagon.
*Planes were commercial flights with people on them - no numbers yet.
*Took Emilee to preschool at 9:30. I told her lots of people got hurt today when the planes crashed into buildings. She asked, "Why can't God make the planes not crash into the buildings?" I just explained that people make their own choices and when they don't know God or don't listen to Him, they make very bad choices. She immediately replied, "Like Jonah. He didn't listen to God and got thrown 'over-the-board' and a big fish ate him up."
*A fourth hijacked plane crashes in Pennsylvania headed for Camp David.
*Hundreds injured and at NYC hospitals.
*President Bush leaves Florida for Washington, but Air Force One goes to Louisiana where Bush makes a video-taped statement.
*Bush in Nebraska in bunker and conferences with Colin Powell in South America and Condelisa Rise in the White House.
*All four planes confirmed hijacked.
*Hospitals concerned that they're not busy enough - too many presumed dead.
*Osama bin Laden prime suspect.
*People walking miles to get home - all mass transit shut down - tunnels, bridges closed.
*Shoe store owner starts handing out shoes to many who discarded their dress shoes either in the stairs of the Trade Center or on the street.
*As many as 200 firefighters and 68 policemen missing and feared dead.
*First "missing" number at around 1,500. Family members searching for their missing loved ones, holding pictures asking if anyone has seen them.
*Thick ash and debris including papers cover streets, cars, buildings and people up to 3 inches deep.
*White House and Capital Hill officials taken to "secure locations;" some moved more than once.
*I have to do something to feel like I'm protecting my family so I head to the grocery store and stock up for the week.
*I feel absolute insecurity and vulnerability.
*Everywhere people seem to be very solemn - even the stores broadcast the news.
*America is on alert.
*Airlines across the nation are shut down; many stranded in airports until further notice.
*Numbers rise; missing are into the thousands now, but fewer than one hundred are confirmed dead.
*Operation Noble Eagle, Operation Infinite Justice - Bush quickly alerts all military and begins positioning for a strike back.
*On Thursday, Sept. 13, Bush addresses both Houses of Government as well as the world in an historical speech: "those who are responsible and those who harbor them..." "either you are with us or you are against us..." "We will not falter, we will not tire, we will not fail!"
*Tony Blair, British Prime Minister, sits in seat of honor beside First Lady Laura Bush.
*Friday, Sept. 14 a "day of Prayer and Rememberance" honors all the dead and missing and their families.
*Bush participates at the National Cathedral singing hymns, praying, and speaking; he has tears in his eyes.
*Days go by and presumed dead at WTC, Pentagon and on planes soars to about 5,000.
*Football, baseball, golf scheduled events are cancelled.
*Many give blood as a way to do something. I gave on Wed., Sept. 12 at the St. Charles County Community College. I arrived at 10:20a.m. and was #537.
*Airlines begin again by the weekend, but limited flights.
*America strikes back on Sunday, Sept. 23 as US and British planes bombed key Taliban terroist training camps after wiping out their air power (airports, military targets, etc.)
*Most Arab countries protest; feel it's "harsh."
*Bin Laden has videotaped message with more threats but obviously recorded before strikes.
*America is confident.